Sterlingfox TV has this afternoon featured Elekwachi Chukwudi Champion- a blogger and content creator who anchors 'Light and Salt'.

When Christianity turns a masquerade- Elekwachi

When Christianity turns a masquerade- Elekwachi

Before I write on this very contradictory topic, I will like to define some terms for clarity sake.

First, Masquerade

The word masquerade is derived from another word ‘mask’ which means:

1. A cover, or partial cover, for the face, used for disguise or protection.

2. That which disguises; a pretext or subterfuge.

The first meaning gives us exactly what we need in this article.


1. A party or assembly of people wearing masks, and amusing themselves with dancing, conversation, or other diversions.

2. Acting or living under false pretenses; concealment of something by a false or unreal show; pretentious show; disguise.

Here again, the second meaning gives us exactly what we need. Now we go!

It is possible you are in that masquerade called Christianity through which you perpetrate evil without people suspecting you.


1. An Abrahamic religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and various scholars who wrote the Christian Bible.

2. The religion that is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the belief that he is the son of God.

You can see there is something similar with the two dictionary definitions above and that is ‘the teachings of Jesus Christ.’ The issue of Jesus being the son of God is indisputable as even the devil knows that and trembles.

By ‘Abrahamic religion’ the dictionary is simply saying that Christianity must comprise both the old and new testament and not only one of them as some groups do today.


It is really heart breaking that after all these pleasant definitions of Christianity by the dictionaries that it could still be used as a mask. Remember that the sight of a masquerade alone is terrifying and you do not also know who/what is inside it.

Now in the church today it is very difficult to know a man that beats the wife since they all lift up (holy) hands and dance in the church.

When Christianity turns a masquerade….

It is hard to know a lady who wears trousers seeing that in the church she appears in the longest skirt the market can offer.

It is hard to know a guy that smokes since he’s the one singing and playing the most harmonious musical instruments.

How can you know disobedient children in the church when they always come to recite the scriptures.

It is possible you are in that masquerade called Christianity through which you perpetrate evil without people suspecting you.

These things have worsened to the point that if you really want to get the true personality of an individual you forget the church and go the dance halls, bars, homes, etc.

Christianity is a religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. This means that Christianity is not really a religion but a way of life. Now if your life is not based on the teachings of Christ permit me to say boldly that you ain’t a Christian.

Also Read: Principles of increase- Rev. Matthew Timilami

It is possible you are in that masquerade called Christianity through which you perpetrate evil without people suspecting you. It is time you unmask yourself and lead a life based on the teachings of Christ.

I pray you receive understanding in Jesus name! Amen.


For further studies on Christianity, click here.

Elekwachi Chukwudi Joseph BA.Ed, PET, MNIM, HSE.

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